Friday, August 6, 2010

itu soi lek sudah berani ma..

hmm wake up early this morning...
read up the headline of themalaysianinsider..
wow what a shock...
he(soi lek) blamed both umno and pas had used Islam to gain support from muslim voters...
what make thing looks worst when he said that this situation has putted or country in unprogressive mode..hmm..
of course as a muslim we wanna vote a party that can protect and uphold syariat islam..isn't it?

i'm not blaming chua soi lek..
he doesn't know so much about islam..
how islam's politic..
how we should politicise in islamic manner..
maybe they just know about Constitution of Madinah as it is in history syllabus..
but going deeply inside..
i don't think they know well about Islam..

why he so dared to come out with that statement??
a statement that i personally see that he wanted a secular system to be applied in our admin..
a system that put a clear divider between religion and politic..
hmm why he so dared ek??

hmm as i wrote in my early posts..
these are all our faults..
pas and umno quarrel endlessly..
even dont want sit together to find the solution for the sake of ummah..
they more interested to talk about oil royalty rather that unity..
then what happened now??
i pretty sure that after this both parties will still fingering at each other to prove that they are on the right side..
eventhough things are clear..

as far as i know..
almost all of the sultan in Malaysia had urged the malay leader to protect Islam..
ya although the politicians heard the advice clearer than us as they are in the palace watching the medal granted ceremony..
but then when stepping out of the palace..
what they do??
almost nothing..
now if you do some blog walking at political blogs,
they even dare to criticise and mock the sultan and mufti..
why they so dare??

so with the coming of ramadhan in a few days,
i really hope there is a new light at the end of the tunnel..
we are losing a lot if we still behaving like this..
no one will take care of islam if muslim not do so..
with this entry,
once again..
i want to stress out here that i/m not chauvinist,
i'm not ultra kiasu melayu..
but i am muslim slave that work out on muslim unity..
hopefully one day it can realized..