Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Ini adalah illustrsi kronologi episod pencerobohan dan pencabulan kehormatan rumah-rumah ibadah di Malaysia.Negara ini yang dibina atas nama kontrak sosial pelbagai kaum kini semakin goyah keadaannya dek kerana sikap sesetengah pihak yang begitu pandai mengeksploitasi keadaan dan tidak suka akan keamanan yang kita kecapi ini..persoalannya,siapakah mereka-mereka ini..mampukah pihak berkuasa kita menahan mereka kerana mereka ini bagiku tidak layak untuk diberi taraf kewarganegaraan sama sekali..biarpun begitu,selagi mana siasatan tidak selesai,adalah lebih elok semua pihak tidak mengeluarkan sebarang kenyataan yang kadang kala akan membuatkan suasana menjadi lebih keruh..selaku rakyat bawahan,adalah lebih elok kita sama2 berdoa agar kes-kes sebegini tidak akan berulang lagi dan kita jadikan ia sebagai batu sempadan..ingatlah,musuh2 kita akan sentiasa mencari ruang untuk menembusi dinding keharmonian negara kita..


memanglah ramai yang mengatakan ianya berpunca daripada kes penggunaan nama Allah yang sedang hangat diperkatakan,namun bagiku itu bukanlah satu-satunya dakwat hitam
yang menyebabkan air kedamaian keruh..sebaliknya ianya ada satu muslihat terancang pihak2 berkepentingan yang mempunyai motif tertentu..apakah muslihat mereka?itu yang kita tak tahu..
apa2 pun,hidup mesti diteruskan..
kepada2 kawan2ku yang berbangsa cina,SELAMAT TAHUN BARU CINA ku ucapkan..


Sunday, January 24, 2010

The using of kalimah “Allah” by other people in this country?".

(Petikan ceramah Professor Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas)

Question: The using of kalimah “Allah” by other people in this country?".

Answers by Prof. Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas:

Well I have been talking about this long time ago. I remember about this in ISTAC, when we first established ourselves (late 80’s and early 90’s), I think the Arcbishop of Penang was asking this question. And I have answered that.

And then we had a meeting with the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur and about all the representatives of Christianity, including the ministers, we had a meeting at ISTAC.

And I said, “Why you want to use the word ‘Allah’ for yourself?”

They said “we are going to pray in Bahasa Malaysia".

That’s the way they put it. So my answers to them, “Why you have to change praying into Bahasa Malaysia. You have been praying in English all the time. Why suddenly change into Bahasa Malaysia?”

Ok, so they said they want to change so that it is more patriotic. Then in that case I’m saying that “why don’t you use Tuhan while praying in Bahasa Malaysia? Because you are talking about God isn’t it?…God is not just a name…”Allah” is a name of this Being whom you called God… and in fact a Being whom even higher than what you called to be God”

And then I said, “ …and “Allah” is not from Bahasa Malaysia. It is not a national language. It belongs to the language of Muslim all over the world. Therefore your argument using this for the word “Allah” does not fit into your idea of God. Because “Allah” does not have a son, It is not one of three (Trinity), that is why out of respect to Allah we can’t allow you to use this.“

But when we Muslim, when we write in English we say God, or when we talk to people we say God but we mean “Allah”…but they cannot say when they speak about God it means “Allah” as they don’t mean it.

So in this particular respect, we have to be clear about this, not was-was (hesitate)...whomever responsible in our governing, they have to be clear about this and to explain to others.
We agree you want to use God, then use Tuhan as we also use that…but we understand in the Malay language that Tuhan is not a translation of Allah..that is why we say “tiada Tuhan melainkan Allah” not “tiada Tuhan melainkan Tuhan”. We don’t say “there is not God but God”..at least the ulama’ among the Muslim Malays, we understand what is the meaning of that (word “Allah”).

So “Allah” cannot be translated as no language has translated Allah. The Arabs themselves they only use that after Islam..although the word existed (before)..the Christians Arab they also did not use Allah (in theological, epistemological and ontological sense in the same manner as the Muslim)..if they say that it is just a language..they are talking about language..because they say “Allah” like the Muslim when they (melatah)…

So it appears they want to do that in order to confuse the Muslim into thinking that all is the same..that is why I say one of the problems about religion is the nature of God..about who Allah is..that is why in Arkanul Iman (The Pillars of Faith), the first thing is “amana billah”.

“Who is this Allah?” and that need to be explain at higher institution in a proper way.

So we have answer the question. It is not proper to allow them using this, since they asking us and there is no point bringing this to court since this is not a matter of court to decide it whether they have the freedom to use it or not. It is up to the Muslims.

But then if they used it and said “in Indonesia they have use it, why can’t we?”…but it is because of the Muslims..if Muslims don’t care they will go on and use it..and in Indonesia they are using not only that, other things they even call it “choir” as “selawat”. Choir is not a “selawat”, as “selawat” is for Prophet..it’s not singing hymn.

And they also talk about..in Indonesia they are also confuse..Muslims..that is why this thing happen. Sometimes the language when you come across English words like “Prophet of Doom” in Indonesia they said “Nabi celaka”. How can there be “Nabi celaka”? What is meant by the “Prophet of Doom” is…even the word Prophet in English does not mean “Nabi” only…it means “yang meramalkan malapetaka”..that what it means…so the “Prophet of Doom” means “yang meramalkan malapetaka”, not “Nabi celaka”.

They (the Muslims in Indonesia) seem not to bother about this. What we can say is that ultimately well they say “God is not Allah”...well if you want to use the word God, we are saying we also use the word God, we refer to Allah as we know and we are not saying that your God ultimately will not refer to Allah. You can’t run away from Allah. You can only escape Him and so in the Qur’an (surah An-Naas) says: “Qul aAAoothu birabbi annas, Maliki annas, Ilahi annas”. He (Allah) is saying “ I am the real Ilah (God) of naas (mankind)”, although mankind (non-Muslim) does not interpret it that way.

(The End)

credit to YB Zulkifli Noordin..

Thursday, January 7, 2010


inilah yang mungkin akan kita lihat pada masa hadapan..
tulisan ini bukan bertujuan provokasi,tapi lebih kepada ingatan kepada semua..
agama kita sedang dicabuli secara terang-terangan..
marilah kita sama2 berdoa agar pemerintah2 negara kita bijak untuk menangani masalah ini..

p/s untuk bacaan lanjut,singgah ke blog zul4kulim.blogspot.com..

Monday, January 4, 2010


It's been a while since the last i'm peeling the politiking issue..but this one should be addressed immediately as it involve islam's dignity as well as its purity..looking to the present situation,eventhough this is about our religion but then still the polticians out there still quarrel and arguing among each other who is wrong n other way round..i'm so dissapointed as we as muslims not unite to protect our religion,who else will do so?

about the issue,i'm so relieved after hearing comment by Nik Aziz..yes all the agama samawi can utilize the word of ALLAH to symbolize the god,but then we first should look to how the standing and understanding of the religion(islam) especially among the young people..their understanding about islam is just about surfacely and the space given by the court for herald to use Allah just will make our youngster even more confuse about islam and other religion..i wonder why herald so eager to use Allah to represent one of their trinity gods thhat obviously contradict to Allah in islam as quran clearly state that Allah is only one and he is not born and gives birth..so why herald??before this,no issue but now why?

for me this is a trial by herald to equalize all the religions in our country..this is really a dangerous move done by herald editorial board as it will make muslims angry and feel challenged..this is not a wise move as we live in multi-religion country so mutual respect is crucially needed here..we cannot just hope others to respect us but at in the mean time we are being rude to them..we must change..

as we know,our no 1 constitution is KEPERCAYAAN KEPADA TUHAN..thus if the result of the court being applied,then it can be changed to KEPERCAYAAN KEPADA ALLAH as all the religions regard their god as Allah..this will happen.. so no more distinction between islam and other religions..yes it is not wrong but then as i stressed before,it's all about our understanding to islam itself..it will make people even more confuse later..

and for the muslims,i'm so worrying the permission given to herald just will make the case of murtad(apostate) become worse as so many young muslims out there have apostated due to their shallow u'standing about islam..

for the malay,this should be the milestone for you all to change the way you all berpolitik..our enemy is spreading everywhere try to destroy us..u should realize before late or u will mortgage our country as well as our religion unawarely..

let's unite respect...